Harnessing the power of your local media, community networks and social media is an essential communications activity to build your Picnic event. It need not cost a lot but some strategic investments in good images & video, compelling copy and selective media spend might need to be part of your communications budget.
Here are some key elements to a good event communications plan:
PR – publicity and content generated for free via media, radio, TV.
Produce a series of Press Releases to distribute to local media about your event.
You will more likely get coverage if you supply a great photo or footage they can use.
Develop a spokesperson with a set of ‘key messages’
Contact your local for an interview on local radio and TV.
Find a good ‘hook’ and if it’s TV, find a good location.
Include contact details and be available for media to get in touch with you.
Advertising – flyers, ads and boosted/sponsored/paid content on social media
Produce an event flyer/poster. Don’t make it too busy.
Great imagery. Simple clear message
Have a strong call to action and way to engage a response -ie. Click on Register button. Website.
Distribute and display posters at local libraries, councils, public transport hubs, cafes and shops, and hand out to friends and colleagues.
Email Marketing – emails to your subscribed database / networks
Plan and schedule a regular series of email communications that invite and inform
Build excitement and engagement, increasing in frequency in the last fortnight to build momentum and maintain your presence in their awareness as people plan their activities and calendars.
Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc
Plan and schedule a regular series of posts that invite and inform.
These can switch between event invite info, testimonials, photo stories and calls to action.
What works really well too, is video. No more that 90-120 seconds. Even better is if you can also add subtitles. (Try Filmora – a low cost and easy DIY film editing software)
Build excitement and engagement, increasing in frequency in the last fortnight to build momentum and maintain your presence in their awareness as people plan their activities and calendars